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Programmname: Wallester - Lead
ProgrammID: 7123
1.1. The User certifies that the User is at least 18 years of age. If the User is a legal entity, you certify that you are an officer of the company or you are otherwise authorized to act on behalf of the company.
1.2. Wallester reserves the right, at its discretion, to change, modify, suspend or discontinue this Agreement, Program, fees, charges, and terms at any time, including the availability of any feature, or content.
1.3. The User may use the affiliate URL for the sole purpose of promoting Wallester and referring prospective customers to the Site. Except to the extent permitted by applicable law, the User shall not
(i) send unauthorized (unsolicited commercial) emails or use any illegal method of advertising to promote Wallester services that include the URL, and the User shall be solely liable for any such unauthorized communications (all marketing practices must comply with all applicable laws and regulations);
(ii) display the URL in any way that in Wallester discretion disparages or creates a derogatory or negative image of Wallester ;
(iii) make any false or misleading representations relating to Wallester, or engage in any other practices that could harm the reputation of Wallester; or
(iv) display the URL or any content in a manner that contains or promotes (a) illegal activities or (b) content that is misleading, deceptive, or violates any third party intellectual property, privacy or other rights of any kind.
1.4. You must not use any misleading or deceptive claims in advertising copy. You are solely responsible for following all federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and rules regarding advertising claims. You must adhere to all the editorial guidelines and search advertising terms and conditions set forth by each search engine (Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other), including any updates to those terms in the future. When creating ads or other online content that publishes your affiliate URL on websites, Wallester brand image needs to be kept in mind. Sites, where you advertise, cannot be associated with content that's vulgar, racist, sexual, or otherwise deemed offensive by Wallester. You must remove all ads and videos from websites deemed offensive within 24 hours of being notified by Wallester. Wallester logo cannot be altered or changed. Affiliates can engage in search engine optimization and pay-per-click activities. If you are sending paid traffic (PPC, PPV, Media Buys) to Wallester, it is required that you avoid using keywords that include our brand name: Wallester, The Wallester,, or any variation or combination therein. You must also not knowingly serve ads that appear in a higher position than Wallester-managed ads. You shall not promote Wallester on coupon sites. You must not purchase or use domain names containing any Wallester trademark, including domain names that combine a Wallester trademark with one or more additional words, letters, numbers, or other characters, or domain names containing any misspelling or other confusingly similar variation of any Wallester trademark. We don't approve self-referrals - you cannot refer yourself, and you will not receive a commission on your own accounts. Clickjacking, linkjacking, typosquatting, or any sort of domain spoofing methods are prohibited. Pixel, cookie stuffing or any other type of cookie stuffing without the source website visitor's knowledge is prohibited. Using traffic generated by pay-to-read, PPC (pay-to-click), banner exchanges, click exchanges, PPV advertising, pop-up/under, or similar methods is prohibited. Affiliate links cannot be published on: - porn sites - torrent-sites - sites with illegal content
1.5. Each customer who visits the Site through your affiliate link must fill out their customer information. All customer information is the sole and exclusive property of the Wallester and the respective customer. You do not have any right to either
(i) participate in any aspect of the information process, or
(ii) receive any of the customer’s personal information.
1.6. You will indemnify and hold Wallester (and its officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures, and employees) harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of this Agreement, or your violation of any law or the rights of a third party.
1.7. Wallester will have the right to deny, withhold payment to the User, and/or terminate the User's participation in the Program and this Agreement if the Company concludes that the User has directly or indirectly engaged in, or encouraged fraudulent or misleading activity. Wallester will have the right, in its sole and exclusive discretion, to determine objectively what constitutes fraudulent or misleading activity and whether the conduct of the User, directly or indirectly constituted and/or encouraged fraudulent or misleading activity. The Company's determination that fraudulent or misleading activity has or is occurring will be conclusive as to that issue. For the effects of Clause above fraudulent or misleading activity includes, but is not limited to, suspected foul play, incentive-based purchases, generation of traffic through unauthorized sources, any form of spamming, and the use of illegal or prohibited content by the User. The Company will never stop monitoring the quality of registrations that affiliates send to it under the CPA (Cost Per Action) and CPL (Cost Per Lead) programs. When the Company has a reason to believe that registrations may be fraudulent in any way, it reserves the right to freeze the User account and cancel any pending payouts.


keine Laufzeitbegrenzung


60 Tage

65,00 Euro

Dieses Programm unterliegt besonderen Bedingungen:

Webseiten mit folgenden Kategorien können nicht teilnehmen:

Traffic aus folgenden Ländern wird gestattet:

Bitte wählen Sie eine Werbemittelart aus

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